
Turbo Wastegates

Turbocharger wastegate and actuator assembly:
The turbocharger wastegate and actuator assembly is at least partially responsible for eighty percent of the manifold pressure related problems with today’s turbocharged aircraft engines, yet very little preventative maintenance literature can be found on the subject of wastegates. Various troubleshooting guides generally ignore the wastegate when dealing with manifold pressure abnormalities. Quite often, mechanics in the field make adjustments to the fuel injection and turbo controller components to compensate for problems that are actually partially or totally those of the wastegate.

Mouse Milk Penetrating Oil - Every 50 Hours:
RAM strongly recommends that the wastegate butterfly shaft and the wastegate actuator shaft be thoroughly lubricated with Mouse Milk penetrating oil every fifty hours, or at any time the manifold pressure seems sluggish. The Mouse Milk can be applied using a common oil squirt-can. Mouse Milk penetrating oil is available at most aviation supply houses.

The manufacturer of Mouse Milk is:
Worldwide Filter Company
1685 Abram Court • P.O. Box 1758
San Leandro, California 94577
Phone: (510) 483-5122.

Note: Penetrating lubricants that work well on a short term basis can eventually hinder the wastegate operation after the initial penetrating effect has worn off. Mouse Milk has lasting lubricating qualities.

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