About RAM
In the beginning
RAM was founded in 1976 by mechanics and engineers with a focus on improving Twin Cessnas. It was a natural progression to start overhauling Continental 520 series engines that powered the Twin Cessnas. This lead to a decades long evolution of refining the Continental 520/550 series of engines and the Cessna, Beechcraft and Cirrus airplanes they power resulting in hundreds of RAM designed STCs and PMA parts.
Today and the Future
RAM is an engine overhaul and General Aviation support and airframe upgrade facility focusing on Continental 520/550 engines and the Beechcraft, Cessna & Cirrus aircraft they power. A RAM overhauled engine is built to the RAM standard and can be configured to conform to stock specs or RAM STC requirements. The RAM Engineering Department continues our engineering legacy by designing hundreds of PMA parts to support these aircraft with better parts at a better price. RAM has a full service Parts Department, selling aircraft parts and propellers worldwide. RAM also offers a variety of inspection services on Continental 520/550 series engines and in addition performs aircraft inspections and maintenance.
Our Vision
To be the best and most highly respected provider of aviation products and services
Our Mission
RAM’s mission is to provide quality engine overhauls, parts, performance modifications, maintenance and services to general aviation aircraft in an environment of trust, respect and longevity
Our Values
• Enjoyment of our specialty craft
• Confidence and pride in one another
• Bestowing confidence and pride to our customers who value our engines, products and services
• Honesty and integrity in all our relationships
P.O. Box 5219 • 7505 Karl May Drive
Waco Regional Airport (KACT)
Building 409
Waco, TX 76708
(254) 752-8381
8am – 5pm Weekdays

Services & Ratings
Continental 520/550 Engine Overhaul
Parts Sales
Propeller Sales
Aircraft Maintenance
Annual Inspections
FAA Repair Station: VA1R551K
European Aviation Safety Agency: EASA.145.5208