
Stop Contamination

During Engine, Propeller and Accessory Removal and Installation

  1. Follow exactly the applicable STC and Service Manual procedures for installation.

  2. Used propellers must be flushed thoroughly.

  3. Propeller Handling

    • Do not leave uninstalled propellers open.

    • Cap off all oil inlets and threaded studs.

    • Ensure blades are well protected.

  4. O-ring Installation

    • Verify the o-ring is installed.

    • Lubricate groove area.

    • Install on crankshaft flange evenly.

    • Verify groove area is not cut or scored.

  5. Crankshaft and Propeller

    • Verify clean and lubricated.

    • O-ring area smooth.

    • Do not allow prop attach studs to cut or bind in crankshaft holes.

    • Torque up prop evenly per service manual or propeller placard.

    • Safety wire the studs on Hartzell props. Apply torque seal to studs and nuts.

  6. Engine Installation Procedures

    • All re-used oil lines and hoses must be flushed.

    • The propeller governor must be flushed if re-used.

    • All other components such as the turbocharger, the turbo controller, the wastegate, and the air-oil separator canister must be flushed.

  7. Engine RPM Fluctuations

    • If fluctuations occur, discontinue operation as soon as practical and contact RAM customer service at 254-752-8381.