Legendary RAM Overhauled Engines for your Cessna T210 & T206
TSIO-520-R / -M
Engine Package
Horsepower: 310
TBO: 1,600 Hours
Standard Equipment:
New Superior Millennium Cylinders
New Balanced Pistons
New Camshaft
New Magnetos & Harness
Overhauled Crankcase
RAM PMA New Baffle Seals
RAM Balanced Crankshaft
RAM Balanced Rod Set
Overhauled Throttle & Control Assembly
Available shipped to your FBO (shipping charges apply) or installed at RAM
Packages Installed at RAM also include:
Pre-mod flight and inspection
New Engine Shock Mounts
New Exhaust Slip Joints
New Primary Fuel & Oil Hoses
Overhauled Turbocharger
Overhauled Turbo Controller
Overhauled Overboost Relief Valve
Overhauled Alternator
Overhauled Wastegate & Actuator
Prop & Governor Flushed
Fuel setup and multiple test flights
Aircraft is washed prior to delivery
Ask about upgrade kits and STCs for your early model airplane with the 285hp engine.
TSIO-520-R / -M
Basic Overhaul
Horsepower: 310
TBO: 1,600 Hours
Standard Equipment:
Overhauled Crankcase
RAM ValueTime Nickel Cylinders
Overhauled Camshaft
Overhauled Magnetos
New Mag Harness
RAM Balanced Crankshaft
RAM Balanced Rod Set
Overhauled Throttle & Control Assembly
Shipped to your FBO (shipping charges apply)