Air Filters
RAM recommends replacement every 12 months or 300 hours - whichever occurs first.
Turbocharged fuel injected aircraft engines process large amounts of air. The air comes from the haze layers we occasionally fly through containing significant dust particles. A few areas of the country are especially dusty, and air filter changes are recommended every 100 hours in those environments. RAM has observed that the likelihood of premature engine wear can be minimized by paying attention to air filter condition. Following cleaning and inspection, the air filter may simply need to be replaced. In all cases, RAM recommends that air filters be cleaned every 50 hours. As applicable following inspections, air filters may simply need to be replaced.
RAM advises that air filters being used with RAM engines should be replaced every 12 months or 300 hours - whichever occurs first. A logbook entry is applicable. Not complying may damage the engine and be reason for reduced RAM warranty benefits. The FAA issued Airworthiness Directive AD 84-26-02 effective 1/29/85 regarding air filters. In it the FAA requires replacing the aircraft engine air filter every 500 hours. Such advise is the result of reports involving engine problems caused by disintegrated air filters. RAM believes that replacing the air filter every 12 months, or 300 hours, will increase engine longevity.